Type | Location | Extends | Description |
bytes | forpy_mod | ImmutableSequence | Type corresponding to Python 'bytes'. |
dict | forpy_mod | Mapping | |
ImmutableSequence | forpy_mod | Sequence | Abstract type that represents a sequence, whose items can not be changed. |
list | forpy_mod | MutableSequence | Type that corresponds to a Python list. |
Mapping | forpy_mod | object | Abstract type that represents a datastructure that maps keys to values. |
module_py | forpy_mod | object | Type representing a Python module |
MutableSequence | forpy_mod | Sequence | Abstract type that represents a sequence, whose items can be changed. |
ndarray | forpy_mod | object | Type that represents a Numpy array |
NoneType | forpy_mod | object | Type representing Python's 'None'. Create with NoneType_create. |
object | forpy_mod | None | Type to represent an arbitrary Python object |
PythonMethodTable | forpy_mod | None | Only used for writing Python extension modules. Datastructure to hold table of methods of your Python extension module. Put exactly one instance at Fortran module level. |
PythonModule | forpy_mod | None | Only used for writing Python extension modules. Datastructure to hold information about your Python extension module. Put exactly one instance at Fortran module level. |
Sequence | forpy_mod | object | Abstract type that represents sequence objects. Elements of a sequence can be accessed by an index. |
str | forpy_mod | ImmutableSequence | Type corresponding to Python 'str' - Python's string type. |
tuple | forpy_mod | ImmutableSequence | Type that corresponds to a Python tuple. Create with tuple_create. |
type_py | forpy_mod | object | Type that represents a "class object". In Python class objects have the type 'type' which we name type_py here. |
unicode | forpy_mod | ImmutableSequence | Type corresponding to Python 2 'unicode' or Python 3 'str'. |